Wednesday, June 20, 2007

perfect human stories

if i was ever able to stumble
in the right chunks of time,
i would wander the halls
of assisted living compounds
and retirement villages to

concoct a thousand vibrant
characters under hundreds
of seasoned themes to
sell millions of books.

each of these shriveled,
pill addled bodies
have souls flourishing with the
victorious accomplishment
of cheating death for so long
and each of them have enough
adventure and intrigue
to have the best of their lives
strung together into a handful
of amazingly rich stories about human triumph.

and if i ever get the time,
i don't want you to steal
this notion of mine
or tell anyone else that is
mired in writer's block
or sell this off to oprah's underground book club
or tell me later that you are sorry
but it was such a good idea.

i simply want you to just drift
along this theoretical train ride
with your eyes slightly closed
and to conjure up the best of all of us
into one,
humanly perfect life
that would make
yours small enough
to understand
the enormity of our
human whole.

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